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Directory of Art Historians and Art Researchers in the Asia Pacific Region

 A joint initiative of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ), the Australian Institute of Art History (AIAH), and the International Committee for the History of Art (CIHA), the Directory is a searchable database of academics, researchers, teachers, writers, curators, and museum professionals specialising in art, architecture, and visual culture from all periods and geographic regions.

Looking for an Art Historian or Art Researcher? Browse the full Directory via the “All Members” tab; refine your search via the “Research Field” or "Country" tab by selecting an option (and then scroll down to view results); or enter any term into the search box at the top of the page.

Featured Members

Robert Buratti

University of Western Australia

19th Century Art | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art | Art Collecting / Art Markets | Australian Art | Critical Theory | Curatorial Practice | Modern Art / Modernism | Museum Studies / Exhibition Histories | Renaissance Art

Associate Professor Fiona Foley

The University of Queensland

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art | Australian Art | Contemporary Art | Postcolonial Art | Race / Ethnicity

Professor Federico Freschi

Otago Polytechnic

African Art / African Diaspora | Architecture and/or Gardens | Art Collecting / Art Markets | Colonial Art | Contemporary Art | Decorative Art and Design | Material Culture / Visual Culture | Modern Art / Modernism | Postcolonial Art | Race / Ethnicity

Professor Lü Peng

Macau university of Science and Technology

19th Century Art | Art Historiography | Artistic Practice | Contemporary Art | Curatorial Practice | East Asian Art

Dr Jacqui Strecker


Colonial Art | European Art | Material Culture / Visual Culture | Modern Art / Modernism | Museum Studies / Exhibition Histories

Dr. Cheryl Chelliah Thiruchelvam

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

18th Century Art | 19th Century Art | Art Historiography | Contemporary Art | Feminism | Gender and Sexualities | Global Art / Cultural Exchange | Material Culture / Visual Culture | Modern Art / Modernism | Race / Ethnicity | South Asian Art | Southeast Asian Art | Women's Art

Website built by Justin O’Dea